Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Harta Pusaka Tinggi Yang Sudah Disertifikatkan Melalui KAN Koto Tuo Balaigurah Agam Sumatera Barat


  • Rahmi Murniwati Universitas Andalas
  • Zefrizal Nurdin Universitas Andalas
  • Anton Rosari Universitas Andalas


Dispute Resolution, Heritage, KAN


Dispute resolution can be carried out through two processes, namely the dispute resolution process through litigation or in court and the dispute resolution process outside the court or non-litigation. Out of court dispute resolution is known as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Theregulation on ADR is in Law no. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution. ADR was born because of the many weaknesses in dispute resolution through courts. In the area of West Sumatra, to be precise, in Koto Tuo Balaigurah Agam, there was a dispute within the clan over the customary land of the people that had been certified and resolved through KAN Koto Tuo Balaigurah. Based on this, the formulation of the problems of this research are: 1) How to resolve land disputes with high inheritance assets that have been certified through KAN Koto Tuo Balaigurah Agam, West Sumatra? 2) How is the role of Koto Tuo Balaigurah Agam Nagari Adat Adat in West Sumatra in resolving disputes over ulayat lands that have been certified? This research uses sociological juridical research, is descriptive analytical, and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study formulated: 1) Settlement of disputes over high inheritance by KAN Koto Tuo Balaigurah Agam West Sumatra occurred onMarch 15, 2019 and the one who submitted a dispute resolution request to KAN was Yanto. The settlement of this dispute is represented by the KAN secretary, Mamak chief heir of the Koto tribe of different clans (manti), Mamak head of the Koto tribe, Mamak head of the Koto tribe, and members of the Koto tribe. 2) The role of KAN Koto Tuo Balaigurah Agam West Sumatra in resolving the dispute resulted in a decision, namely that the sold agricultural land was replaced by the community with other land and put together with a part of the land that was not sold then turned into high heirlooms to be further preserved, utilized, and passed on to further descendants. This decision of KAN is considered contrary to what it should have been where KAN was only a mediator in conducting mediation, not giving a decision to win or lose because basically the process through mediationby KAN was in the form of a wn-win solution.


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