Hybrite Metode of Analysis in Gynecology Diagnosis

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Devia Kartika
Wifra Safitri
Agung Pramana Putra
Silky Safira
Yuliawati Yunus


Gynecological disease (gynecology) or the uterus is a muscular organ that forms a pear that is located between the bladder and rectum. Most women often make changes in the uterine area but sometimes women assume about the facts that appear as facts that are common to women, even though this problem is a symptom of a dangerous disease. Collection of diseases is a disease that can resolve death, so it needs to be diagnosed early. This research will develop the application of an expert system to detect early and diagnose diseases contained therein. Disease diagnosis analysis performed by expert system software development, software requirements analysis consisting of user needs analysis, system requirements analysis and complaints engineering design where in the making of this software engineering the data collected is represented as a knowledge base, rule base and machine design inference with the fuzzy mamdani method also takes decisions and the end result uses a weighted average value. Application developed using PHP and MySQL based, so that this application can be accessed from anywhere and delivering information about compilation disease is easier and faster.

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